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The Dartmoor Commoners' Council was set up for the maintenance of, and the promotion of proper standards of, livestock husbandry on the commons in and about the Dartmoor National Park.  The Council is made up of 26-28 members including 20 elected by the commoners and representing both large and small graziers from each quarter of Dartmoor, 2 appointed members from the Dartmoor National Park Authority, 1 representative of the Duchy of Cornwall, 2 representing other landowners, and 1 independent veterinary surgeon.

Under the terms of the Act, the Council has to draw up regulations to ensure the good husbandry and maintenance of health of all animals kept on the commons. The first Council was elected in 1986 following the preparation of a voting register of all commoners using the commons.  The Council is financed by a fee levied on both active graziers (72 pence/livestock unit) and non-active right holders (12 pence/ livestock unit).

Dartmoor Commons Act 1985

Downloadable PDF documents:

Dartmoor Commoners' Council Regulations 



Crazy Well Cross

Dartmoor Commoners' Council, 1 Canal Road, Tavistock, Devon, PL19 8AR  Tel: 01822 618892

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